REPASHY Spawn & Grow Freshwater

Article number: RSSGRF6
Availability: In stock (1)

This  Fish Food formula is designed for Broodstock conditioning  and the initial raising of fry. It contains high levels of fat (>14%)  and Protein >45%, which gives fish that extra source of energy and nutrients they need to build the reserves required for spawing  and fast growth. It is also quite suitable as a "recovery formula" for the acclamation of freshly imported fish that have become malnourished due to the stress of capture and lack of food during holding and transportation. It is designed to be used for conditioning only in most species of omnivores  and piscivores . It is not recommended for strict Herbivores. Carnivorous species that specialize in eating insect larvae, eggs, and other high fat food sources, may find this a good staple diet.

It contains high levels of essential fatty acids and a balanced ratio of EPA to DHA. It also contains additional Arachidonic Acid (ARA), which is considered by many to be an essential fatty acid in Marine fish who are not able to synthesize it from the conversion of Alpha Linolenic Acid. ARA has been shown to increase spawning activity, fertility, and fry survival.  It has also shown to be valuable in reducing stress. The formula also contains the amino acid Taurine (directly supplemented as 1% of crude protein) , which is now considered by many to be an essential amino acid  for many species of carnivorous freshwater and Marine fish . Taurine is a free amino acid that, because it is also has high activity as an anti-oxidant, can quickly be depleted in processed meals. We have doubled the amount of Vitamin C in this formula compared to our regular diets, and we use the highly stable form Ascorbic Acid Phosphate. We also include high amounts of the phospholipid lecithin, (5%) which are essential in the transport of fat throughout the body, aiding in absorption and potentially reducing fatty liver issues.

Our growth and conditioning Fish Food formula for freshwater and marine omnivorous, insectivorous, and carnivorous fish.

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