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Excellent for use in bioactive terrariums and other terrarium setups. Jurassic Bioballs are made of pure, natural clay and safe for use in terrariums for reptiles, amphibians and other pets. Jurassic bioballs are used as a sub-layer, or watertable, to collect water in the bottom of high humidity terrariums, separeted by a barrier (Jurassic biocarpet) from the soil/substrate above  (e.g. Jurassic ABG Frog/Terrarium Mix, or Jurassic Coco Fiber). The increased surface area of Juirassic Bioballs facilitate bacterial growth to biodegrade nitrogen/waste, aids in water filtration, are easy to clean and reusable. Jurassic Bioballs can also be used to create a bottom layer in terraiums with standing or running water, such as a waterfall setting. Also excellent when mixed with coco chips or charcoal as a medium to raise springtails, or as a sub-layer to maitain humidity in isopod cultures. Please see Jurassic calcium Infused, Bioball-Charcoal substrate products, specifically prepared for springtails and isopod cultures.

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